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Spiritual Pruning

For the past several weeks, I have felt close to God one day and then the next day He seems so far away. I listened to what God told me as to my spiritual idling. I read and study the Bible, pray throughout the day and have witnessed to family and friends. Something doesn’t seem right. All I do is weep. I have been asking God to show me what I have been doing wrong. His answer was “Nothing. You are going through a spiritual pruning.”

This not only goes for me. God has told me that some of you are feeling the same thing. John 15:1-2 reads, “I am the true grapevine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and He prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.”

It doesn’t feel good to be pruned. But we should rejoice that we are going through this. God sees that we are producing fruit. But He also sees the attitudes, habits and disobedience that are stunting our spiritual growth. Our altitude depends on our attitude. God’s removing those things from our life so we can produce more fruit and move up to the next level of service for Him. Time is short. Continue to read the bible. Continue to pray. Continue to witness to others.

Be willing to do whatever He asks. God will equip you for doing His will in your life. Hebrews 13:21 reads, “May He equip you with all you need for doing His will. May He produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to Him. All glory to Him forever and ever! Amen.”



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